Articles i found interesting, things that are funny for me, my beliefs, philosophy in life and other things about me.
Things and people that irritate the hell out of me
Published on January 30, 2004 By EFalgui In Blogging
10 Things That Piss Me Off......10 being what i hate the most

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time. I know where my watch is, buddy... where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is??

2. People in the supermarket check out line who wait until their entire bill is rung up before they begin writing their check. the store name going to change, or the date, or your signature before the clerk finishes? Get a clue!

3. People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the damn TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change it manually!

4. When people say..."Oh, you just want to have your cake and eat it, too." Screw that!!! What good is a damn piece of cake if you can' t eat it? What should I someone else's piece of cake instead??

5. When people say..."It's always the last place you look." No shit!! Why the hell would you keep looking for it after you've already found it?? Do people do this?? Who and where are they??

6. When people say, while watching a movie ... "Did you see that?" No, dumb ass, I paid $7.50 to come to a theater and stare at the ceiling up there. What did you come here for??

7. People who ask, "Can I ask you a question?" Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya buddy?

8. When something is "New & Improved," Which is it? If it's new, there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement then there must have been something before it!

9.When someone goes to your site just to say "oh i didnt like your site/post." If you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all. besides i didnt make you read it anyway so fuck off!!!

Here's the 10TH thing that really bugs me....

10. Chain letters! Who the hell thinks that by annoying other people with stupid mail with no meaning, that they will grant you a wish, or make your long-lost love fall into your arms. Bullshit! I'm so sure that by breaking a stupid chain letter that the computer gods are going to curse me!! By the way, if you send this to 10 people, shit won't happen, and that person you're in love with won't come crawling to you if you feel this is funny, go on and send it to someone else, but don't expect one damn thing in return.

on Jan 30, 2004
Thanks for the laughs!

I hate it when I am looking for something and someone says "Do you remember the last place you had it?" If I did, I wouldn't be looking for it would I !!
on Jan 30, 2004
I hate people who make the stupid quotations sign with their fingers when they're talking.
on Jan 30, 2004
ROFL Oh that was funny!
on Jan 30, 2004
i hate going out for dinner with a person who barely orders anything at all, and then end up letting them have 'just a little taste' of mine. Keep your hands off my grub!
on Jan 30, 2004
LMFAO! #1 was the BEST! thanks for the laugh!