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A few questions about thought
Published on January 24, 2004 By EFalgui In Philosophy
have any of you wondered what thoughts are? i mean, are the just a bunch of electrical impulses in our brain? And what happens after we had a thought? does it go somewhere else? this may sound stupid but, sometimes its really irritating when i suddenly think of something then it disappears like smoke a second after. This is a question that hold real importance to me, because thought is what makes us different from other biengs in our world. can anyone explain the awareness of self and environment which destinguishes life from inorganic matter?

We have used our intelligence for many practical purposes. Some of which helped us have a better understanding of ourselves and nature around us. Yet we have used it for something else as well. We created worlds of wonder and horror, and within these worlds we put creatures such as unicorns, dragons, gods, demons, knights and wizards. worlds where light and darkness fight a never-ending struggle against each other piting each sides champoins on the battlefield. And yet we have also created other mythical creatures who are neither dark or fearsome, these are simply a pleasant product of our imagination- Santa Claus, Jack Frost and even the easter bunny . not only did we create these things intellectually, we also believed in them in varying degree. these days we talk of little of these things of the dark. yet there is still an inbred fear of what lurks in the dark, the unknown and the unseeable. People think it is childish to think of warewolves and ghouls, but it is all right to believe in a technical wraith such as flying saucers( or at least more than vampires and warewolves).

we think of thought as a mental process electrical impulses traveling around our brain. but we know no more about the thought process, maybe even essn than the ancient greeks about the atom. we talk today of thought today as the ancient greeks in the time of democritus may have talked(sparingly and without too much conviction or belief) about the atom, and with as little understanding. we are in short just mouthing words without really having any understanding.

we do know something of the result of thought. all that mankind is today is the product of our thinking. but this is the result of the impact of the thought upon the human animal, as steam makes an impact upon a mechanism and makes an engine run.

so now we might ask, once the steam has made its impact and performed its funtion what happens to it? i think its just as logical to ask what happens to thought once it has made its impact. does it change to another form like energy, or does it drift off into space to fall upon another person to recieve it . What happens to though once it has done its job. where does it go, what does it do, do the thoughts of people long dead still exist? hmm... simple questions are the hardest to answer arent they.
on Jan 26, 2004
Great subject and I want to get some thoughts up on this. For now, please go to "Akashic record" on a search engine and also 'meme'. There is so much to get into on this I just do not have time right now. I think I will put it up in a more extensive manner so need a little time for this. Hope you get others interested as well, as it is a very DEEEEp subject and we do well to study our own thought processes. I'll be back.
on Jan 26, 2004
Right? So, your asking if our thoughts just vanish and that's it? Man, you know what? I've stayed up at night many times thinking about stuff like that. And do you know what I've come up with? Absolutely nothing! I really hope someone can help and figure this one out 'cause I'm officially interested in finding out. Maybe its because, I'm under-=educated on this stuff because when I try to talk to people aboutthis I don't get any help.
Well, god luck to whoever tries to find something on this one.
Capt. over and out!
on Jan 30, 2004
Gosh, forgot all about this. I will be on it soon. Was thinking of an observation of ghosts made by people who claim to record the voices of them.( is a well-known site having many recordings alleged to be of the dead) They pose some difficulty with the akashic record thesis and so are suspect to my mind, but it seems they have physical thought on the present reality also. They respond to questions, can physically follow people for miles, yet also are heard to utter what was probably their dying breath sentence. This puts forth the question of WHERE in time they exist. It puts some intriguing things into the game and I want to sort some of it out. Frankly, the ghost hunters are not holding up very well under my light scrutiny. One of the most famous ghost hunters is a two man group in CA. who have supposedly documented a haunting of a woman for years over proplonged distances. I find them bogus yet very clever in their scam to average observers. The whole reason I mention it is because in them, we can formulate ideas on the materiality of thought. Thought is more than "electrical impulses in the brain" as you say - and I think Morpheus in the 'Matrix'. It has physical dimensionality which makes it a tangible thing. The difficulty is in making the step from inanimate to animate or living. we can go pretty far in our analysis of life and even reach a point where a ordinary material such as clay can be defined as a 'hardy, low-tech form of life'. Yet, unless thought can be said to be self-generating and self-sustaining, it will not qualify. I think, ultimately, I can show thought to be a living thing, but will have to introduce some alien terminology and a cognitive lense not native to most Americans. To be alive then, it must have the ability to have causation originating from itself, to be said to possess life and this showing will be significant for people to grasp. I have to review a text in which the author goes on a sacred journey similar to Siddhartha and finds the revelation that we are not as much physical beings as vessels and vehicles for carrying water from place to place. This sounds strange, but really isn't once you realize the space between our atoms is far greater than the vacuum filled by them, and that we are more water than anything else. In this regard we are much less than what we are. So you can see how I am wrestling with a way to present the various evidences and 'thoughts' on this subject for presentation in a lucid manner. I will definitley be going into Aleister Crowley and 'memes' also so be ready for that. (Warining that Crowley was a 'Satanist' holding he was the man numbered six hundred-three score-and six. Dangerous stuff if you are Christian or not willing to swim in that pool) I won't try to indoctrinate, as I find Crowley refutable in that area rather easily, but he does have some chilling aspects in addressing our reality, such as human sacrifice, so be ready for this when I speak on it. Sorry for the delay, but will get back to this as soon as I can organize my 'thoughts'on it. It is deep dude so give me a minute.
on Feb 13, 2004
A brand new book, which happens to be called What is Thought? offers a principled answer to all your questions
that furthermore is consistent with the vast amount of relevant data.
Check out
for more information.