Articles i found interesting, things that are funny for me, my beliefs, philosophy in life and other things about me.
Does it come from an outside influence (ie Devils Satan) or is it something that is within each of us?
Published on February 19, 2004 By EFalgui In Philosophy
I have sometimes wondered how can a person become ‘Evil’. Are murderers and serial killers naturally evil? Whenever I see a terrible crime in television I sometimes wonder why would they do that? Were they just born that way and are just acting in accordance with their nature? Or was there something in his childhood something that taught him that human life doesn’t have any value whatsoever.

Or perhaps, both nature and nurture may promote certain behaviors, but they are not, themselves, the cause. ‘Evil’ may arise from repression of a destructive feeling that eventually eats away at you until you lash out. I may say something that really gets to you. You then may want to hit me in anger. You can choose either to take a swing, or consciously repress that urge. Jungians have argued that as an individual develops, his good and evil sides tend to differentiate themselves; a very good example of this might be the Smeagol/Gollum personalities so clearly demonstrated in Lord of the Rings. Smeagol represents the good part; he is the hobbit that wants to remain loyal to his master because Frodo is kind to him. Gollum is the bad part, he is the side overcome by greed that wants nothing more than to get his Precious back.

In normal people these two sides are often recognized and integrates with each other on a conscious level. In some people though the negative emotions like anger, jealousy etc is repressed or perhaps hidden away by the individual for fear of people not understanding what they feel.

Each and everyone of us has these things hidden away from the world, secret emotions we kept to ourselves, those inner thoughts that we don’t reveal to anyone. The jealousy we feel for a friend who had a promotion or getting angry and irritated, wishing someone ill just because they didn’t agree with something you believe in etc. While at this stage, of course, these are still just in our heads and we haven’t acted up them, but even at this stage, these inner ‘bad thoughts’ tend to cause much guilt and anxiety about why we think about them. Occasionally, we might commit the act – saying something we shouldn’t and can’t take back, cheating on our significant others, lying about taxes, embezzling money from our company, deliberately sabotaging someone we know… Sometimes ‘evil’ is deliberately malicious, while other times, it is done out of weakness or rationalization (ie I lash out at you because you’ve touched upon a sensitive issue).

I guess the only thing we can be certain about evil is that its seed exist within each and every one of us. The only way we can fight it is by knowing ourselves and not letting it grow within us.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 19, 2004
I fyou look back to Socrates, he said that no one behave badly on intention. Bad behaviour are due to a distortion in the balance between good and bad that one used to make a decision. This distortion is mainly due to ignorance.
Old but still good...
on Feb 19, 2004
Yet at the same time highly intelligent people permit awfully violent crimes. I don't think it has anything to do with the devil within us, but rather the damn chemistry that infiltrates the good chemistry like a cancer. This said, there is still no excuse for despicable crime and through education their can be a development of moral reaffirmation but is rare.
on Feb 19, 2004
Jebel: i dont believe ignorance to be a proper excuse. actually i believe that if a person does something he is responsisble for it whether he did or didnt know the consequences of the action that he did. though of course, i guess it would be better if he did it without any bad intent, instead of doing it on purpose.

Stevendedalus: yes education is one of the ways to make people realize right from wrong. but the education should start from a very early age. if you try to educate an already aging man of course it would work less times than if he had already been given the right education as a kid.
on Feb 19, 2004
You have to remember what one person would consider evil, another would consider righteous. This is just a personal opinion of mine, but i have encountered people who sincerly beleive guys like Fidel Castro or Che Guevera are/were Evil, whereas i would believe them to be righteous and good.

It all comes down to your objectives, and what YOU think is good or evil... and of course opinions and reactions are created by ones environment.

Thought provoking article
on Feb 19, 2004
You probably only believe the last line because you were raised christian or jewish.

Western religions teach that man is born evil. Man is born with "original sin". Bhuddism, Taoism and others believe that all men are born good, and just end up getting corrupted.

I kinda prefer the later.
on Feb 19, 2004
I think ignorance should be understood on a different level in this quote that just a lack of education. Don't get me wrong on this: explaining is not excusing. Justice's purpose is to judge, without the flaw of human. (theoricaly...)

I'm by no way a violent person, but I don't know how I would react if my child was murdered and if I had the opportunity to "chat" with the murdeerr. If I take revenge on him, you could understand that I had killed him, but still I would be wrong and I would agree afterward that I was wrong. Consequently, I should be punished for that.
My point was that at a moment, my way to distinguish good to bad was disturbed, and so on...
on Feb 20, 2004
JeremyG: Yes i was raised as a christian. Though i have let go of most of its beliefs there are some things that i cant let go. there are so many things i find wrong about it but there are also good in it. thats probably why i still have a little bit of faith.

Muggaz: just as in the physical world everything is also relative when it comes to beliefs, principles and ideals etc. Most peo0ple do things because they think they are doing whats right. some get forced into a situation where there is nothing to do but choose between a two evils and most of them would probably choose the lesser of the two. And then there are others who find pleasure in doing evil. for me the easyest way to gauge whether i have done right or wrong is to see how the people around me react to it.

Jepel: sorry i didnt mean my first reply in that way. But as stevendadelus said there is a way to stop ignorance and that is by educating people. another thing that makes us do things that we sometimes regret is our emotion. sometimes we just repress them so much that it comes out in an explosive fit.

i guess the only true way we can know whether what we are about to do is by using the golden rule."Treat others only in ways that you're willing to be treated in the same exact situation."
on Feb 20, 2004
jees complex topic.

My first vote was gonna go for:
Washington D.C

...but now i gotta reassess that thought.
on Feb 20, 2004
Evil is something that is difficult to understand. I think behind much of the worst evil is fear. In order to protect themselves serial killers, etc. use control to deal with their fear.
on Feb 21, 2004
Evil comes from those bastards at proctor & gamble.
especially the pringles corporation.

ridges ruled !!!!!!!!
on Feb 21, 2004
That is a good question.

There's so many possible reasons. Childhood, chemicals imbalance, lack of feeling ( socialpathic ), etc.

In short, I dunno.
on Feb 21, 2004
Jono: No!!! the people who made pringles are saints!!!!!

Sherye Hanson: Yeah control is one of them, of course to control isnt always a bad thing. most who uses control in such a way feels that they have no control in their own life. because they have no control they fear that people will veiw them as weak, thats why they try to intimidate people using forsce and threats. bullies usually are like this.

XX: No worries there i dont think anyone would be able to find an exact answer for this one.

Weltregierung: maybe not evil but corruption... then again corruption easily lead to evil acts.

on Feb 21, 2004
i'm not even going to make an attempt at answering this one, but i will say a little somethin' somethin'

i've actually asked myself at points in my life "Am I Evil?" (a great song by Mettalica btw)
and i've wondered what the nature of evil is.

but like you, i've been unable to define it. The only thing i'm sure of is that evil people are selfish by nature. they care more about themselves and what's going to be best for them, than they do about anything else.

plug that simple factor into the equation and see what you come up with...

in the meantime i have to figure out if it's "once evil, always evil" or if one can be reformed
on Feb 22, 2004
Imajinit: yeah i too sometimes ask myself the very same question. As for the quote "once evil, always evil) i believe that its always possible to change. as long as one is honest about wanting to change, one will have a chance. of course the stigma of all the actions done in the past will always be there.

of course if this is right(im pretty sure it is, but not exactly sure) then the same can be said for the good people. in that they too can change their ways. i guess there is always a good and a bad side to everything. this becomes more apparent when change is involved.
on Feb 22, 2004
I for one do not know what are the boundaries between evil and good I mean who can say that doing anything is really morally wrong there are so many different viewpoints and cultures that its impossible to say one is the exact right way of living. Ofcourse there are decent ways of living and lawful ways of living but anyways thats not really the point im making I just can't distinguish between the two wholly. What I can say is that I tend to look at it how one of my favorite authors herman hesse looked at it and that good and evil are like 2 different worlds there are those that live in the pure light world and strive to be perfectly in line as to what "they" consider in line. Then there are those that lie in the middle which is fine because it is where most people (I think) tend to land and that is a person that knows they are not perfect and within their own morals they aren't sticking completely to them. Finally, there is the dark world a sensous world that attracts those with no inhibitions a world that will seduce you if you are not careful those that we consider "wicked" reside here.
This is the best way to look at it for me personally. Thats my opinion
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