Articles i found interesting, things that are funny for me, my beliefs, philosophy in life and other things about me.
Stupid things i found while looking for porn. To all you young people out there please dont use any foul least until you are eighteen.besides yous parents will spank you if they catch U.
Published on January 31, 2004 By EFalgui In Misc

Usefull if you have a friend that knows latin and thinks he is a super cool because of it.

Latin Swearing
Futue te ipsum et caballum tuum
screw you and the horse you rode in on

Tu plenus sterco es
You are full of shit (lit. you are packed with shit)

Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem
In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags.

Apudne te vel me?
Your place or mine?

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris
If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar.

Cepe indicum
Take a hint

Derideo te!
I laugh at you!

Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?
Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just happy to see me?

Fabriacate diem, punk
Make (my) day, punk

Fac ut vivas
Get a life

Apudne te vel me?
Your place or mine?

Hocine bibo aut in eum digitos insero?
Do I drink this or stick my fingers in it?

Obesa cantavit
The fat lady has sung

Id imperfectum manet dum confectum erit
It isn't over until it's over

Illegitimi non carborundum
Don't let the bastards burn you

Labra lege
Read my lips

Lege atque lacrima
Read 'em and weep

Morologus es!
You're talking like a moron!

Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo
Don't call me, I'll call you.

Noli nothis permittere te terere
Don’t let the bastards get you down.

Nullo modo
No way

Puto vos esse molestissimos
I think that you are very annoying

Qualem blennum!
What a doofus!

Qualem muleirculam!
What a bimbo!

Quisque comoedus est
Everybody's a comedian

Quo usque tandem abutere patentia nostra?
How long are you going to abuse our patience?

Quomodo cogis comas tuas sic videri?
How do you get your hair to do that?

Radix lecti
Couch potato

Raptus regaliter
Royally screwed

Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem!
Stand aside plebeians! I am on imperial business

Scio vos esse molestissimos
I know that you are very troublesome

Stultus est sicut stultus facit
Stupid is as stupid does

Tace atque abi
Shut up and go away

Ut si!
As if!

Utinam barbari spatium proprium tuum invadant
May barbarians invade your personal space

Utinam coniurati te in foro interficiant
May conspirators assassinate you in the mall

Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant
May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy

Vacca foeda
Stupid cow


Viri sunt Viri
Men are slime

Immanissimum ac foedissimum monstrum!
Gross and putrid monster!

Faciem durum cacantis habes
You have the face of a man with severe constipation

Mala pituita nasi
Nasty nasal drippings!

Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem.
Stand aside plebeians! I am on imperial business.

Si me rogas, potes abire et tu ipse cacare.
If you ask me, you can go and shit on yourself.

Semper in excrementum, sole profundum qui variat.
Always in the shit, just the depth that varies.

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